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Helpwise 3.6.0 - Google Play

About Helpwise

Helpwise is a comprehensive customer service platform that offers a range of features to help businesses manage all their customer communication from a single dashboard. With Helpwise, you can easily answer all your...

Helpwise is a comprehensive customer service platform that offers a range of features to help businesses manage all their customer communication from a single dashboard. With Helpwise, you can easily answer all your customer queries across multiple channels like email, sms, and social media from a centralized location.

One of the standout features of Helpwise is its universal inbox, which allows you to see all your channels conversations in one place. This feature makes it easy to handle your customers' communication, respond to queries promptly, and provide an excellent customer experience.

Helpwise offers native integrations with calendars, task management apps, and CRMs, allowing you to power your communication and streamline your workflow. You can also create custom integrations using Helpwise's app feature to connect with other tools your business uses.

Helpwise comes packed with features designed to improve collaboration and enhance overall team productivity. You can mention team members inside conversations and work with them to respond to customer queries better and faster.

Additionally, Helpwise has a built-in collision detection feature that ensures there are no contradictory replies to customer queries. The collision detection feature alerts both parties if two team members are writing a response to the same thread, ensuring that customers receive accurate and consistent replies.

With Helpwise, you can set up multiple signatures and change them on the fly while composing emails. This feature is particularly useful for businesses with multiple brands or departments that require different signatures.

Helpwise also allows you to automate mundane and repetitive tasks like assigning, tagging, and closing conversations by setting up workflows using Automation Rules. Helpwise will handle the workload for your team, freeing up time to focus on more important tasks.

Another useful feature of Helpwise is its ability to automatically manage your team's workload by smartly assigning conversations based on logics like round-robin, load balance, and random. This feature eliminates the need for manual delegations and ensures that your team can handle customer queries efficiently.

Helpwise allows you to automate customer feedback directly from the platform. You can analyze feedback and scores to improve your support processes and quality.

With Helpwise, you can optimize team performance and support processes by taking a deep dive into your support team's performance across inboxes. You can track individual workload and key metrics, allowing you to make data-driven decisions to improve your customer support.

Finally, Helpwise allows you to set up knowledgebases to host articles that can be shared with your customers. You can create Help centers for customer onboarding, internal documents, and other important information. This feature ensures that customers can easily find the information they need and reduces the load on your support team.

In summary, Helpwise is an easy-to-use, all-in-one customer service platform that offers a range of features designed to streamline your workflow, improve collaboration, and deliver an exceptional customer experience.

Previous Versions

Here you can find the changelog of Helpwise since it was posted on our website on 2020-06-23 19:34:55. The latest version is 3.6.0 and it was updated on 2024-05-23 03:48:56. See below the changes in each version.

Helpwise version 3.6.0
Updated At: 2024-05-10
Changes: Added customer's read time list for emails Fixed signature change issue in email compose and reply Fixed known bugs
Helpwise version 3.5.13
Updated At: 2024-04-25
Changes: Fixed help article link render as a link in chat inbox Fixed known bugs UI/UX improvements
Helpwise version 3.5.12
Updated At: 2024-03-21
Changes: can view the attachments in-app added long press email's text copy option fixed table content issue in note fixed known bugs
Helpwise version 3.5.10
Updated At: 2024-02-20
Changes: Added previous conversations of contacts in contact page Fixed saved reply attachments not sending with SMS Fixed time not showing properly with custom timezone Fixed know bugs
Helpwise version 3.5.9
Updated At: 2024-01-31
Changes: Added starred folder in drawer Fixed mention highlight issue Fixed add tag option in universal inbox Fixed scrolling issue Fixed known bugs and UI/UX improvements
Helpwise version 3.5.8
Updated At: 2024-01-22
Changes: Added documents upload feature Added both email & time for both email & Chat inboxes Fixed empty signature list Fixed blank reply to address in email inbox Fixed UI glitches in compose screen Fixed WhatsApp 24H session expiry time Resolved know bugs & UI/UX improvements
Helpwise version 3.5.7
Updated At: 2024-01-10
Changes: Added notification page Added hyperlink recognition in messages Fixed link not clickable on email Fixed universal inbox count status Fixed known bugs
Helpwise version 3.5.5
Updated At: 2023-12-22
Changes: Inline drafts can be visible inside the conversation detail screen Fixed same email added issue on compose, reply, forward Added realtime conversations in universal inbox Fixed email reply bug Fixed date formatting issue in conversation list screen Fixed know bugs and UI/UX improvements
Helpwise version 3.5.4
Updated At: 2023-12-18
Changes: Inline drafts can be visible inside the conversation detail screen Fixed same email added issue on compose, reply, forward Added realtime conversations in universal inbox Fixed date formatting issue in conversation list screen Fixed know bugs and UI/UX improvements
Helpwise version 3.5.3
Updated At: 2023-12-11
Changes: Added ticket copy button Integrated new stable backend APIs Resolved long email rendering issue Resolved know bugs Improved UI/UX

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Official Google Play Link

We do not host Helpwise on our servers. We did not scan it for viruses, adware, spyware or other type of malware. This app is hosted by Google and passed their terms and conditions to be listed there. We recommend caution when installing it.

The Google Play link for Helpwise is provided to you by apps112.com without any warranties, representations or guarantees of any kind, so access it at your own risk.

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Updated At: 2024-05-23 03:48:56
Publisher: SaaS Labs US Inc.
Operating System: Android
License Type: Free